Thank you for stumbling upon my blog - it's goal is to tell you all a bit of my experience in London during my 2 year stay. You can read more about the idea here. In this blog I will post some of my experiences, and give my advice, musings and tips for new Londoners in the hope that it will serve as inspiration, or at least, proof it can be done. Please feel free to comment, ask me a question or two, correct my grammar, whatever you please.

Monday 6 December 2010

The final countdown

Today, is my second-last Monday at work, which is actually monumentally scary. I've been relying on this income for so long, aside from that though, the stability of having a job is actually quite nice, last week my firm passed around an email asking if anyone wanted to volunteer redundancy, I feel very lucky for what I have. I've forged strong relationships and enjoyed (most of) my time here. But, the tickets are booked, the bags are half-packed (can you believe it? I'm somewhat organised!) and I am still planning on getting home to the motherland next month, frog in tow. Scary stuff.

I am unhappy to admit that this weekend hasn't been the most productive - I have been bowled over by a sickness. The worst part, is that I *can* function, I feel... ok. But as soon as I'm out in the elements, I cough worse than a pack-a-day smoker (as a non-smoker, that's weird and yuck), my nose runs, my throat seizes up and only hot liquid fixes it. So, going out at night has been out of the question and I hate myself for it. But I did get out in the daytime, and saw some beautiful things.

The lake in St. James park had frozen over, this is the view toward Buckingham Palace
It seems I was not the only one getting ready to go in to hibernation, the squirrels are getting chubby and even cuter than normal. An added benefit (for evil photographers like myself) is their overwhelming curiosity (or is it gluttony?)

Oooohh! Is it a chestnut pour moi?
I also took a walk around Euston and St. Pancras, now, I know it looks like I've been a big liar about my inability to be out at night - but this next photo, I kid you not it was about 16.30, and not long after I walked into a Chinese takeaway (oh the shame, sitting in a chinese takeaway alone!) and begged for Won ton soup. Thankyou, ginger and chicken stock, you saved my throat from ultimate peril!

St. Pancras - worth the runny nose
Tomorrow I get to meet up with an old friend from Australia who is here for the Christmas season, I can't wait. Seeing an old friend is always fabulous, and we are going to go and see the Christmas lights and festivities around Hyde Park (photos promised, as always), which just makes it even better. Aside from that, my main plans are to visit galleries, shop till I drop (which I worry about slightly, I'm not a good shopper), indulge and do all the things I won't be able to to in Australia. Above all though, I need to be healthy for next weekend (my going away party!), so lots of broths and early nights for me!


I never got time to post about my last trip to Paris (26 - 29 November). Let me tell you it was lovely, mindblowingly so. I got to see my family (or some of the extended clan, at least) and finally physically introduce mon amour to them (he got raving reviews of course, he's the perfect gentleman *swoons*). We took a walk through St. Germain en-Laye (lots of frost, but only a teeny bit of snow). Visited Christmas markets, feasted with le copain's family (who sent me home with hand-picked porcini mushrooms from a nearby forest, could I be any more spoilt?) All in all, fantastic.

Christmas lights & market on the Champs Élysées

And now, just 15 days until I fly from Madrid to join le copain in Toulouse for Christmas. This 3 week break is the longest we've had since we've met, and it covers our anniversary. Now, there, my friend, is where romance went. I don't really mind though, we both have way too much to do as it stands.

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