Thank you for stumbling upon my blog - it's goal is to tell you all a bit of my experience in London during my 2 year stay. You can read more about the idea here. In this blog I will post some of my experiences, and give my advice, musings and tips for new Londoners in the hope that it will serve as inspiration, or at least, proof it can be done. Please feel free to comment, ask me a question or two, correct my grammar, whatever you please.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Getting ready for a long haul

Hello again! The past few weeks I have been staying with my boyfriend's (wonderful) family in Toulouse (who saw fit to spoil me rotten to the point I can once again not fit everything in to my suitcase). I went to the Pyrénées, and ate foie gras for the first time, and saw one of the most unusual cathedrals ever, it's been a wonderful period. But, all things come to an end and this morning le copain and I boarded a flight to Paris, for a final goodbye with some friends before boarding our midday flight on Thursday to Kuala Lumpur. We hover in south-east Asia for a few days before our arrival in Brisbane the next week. The flight is 12 hours Paris - Kuala Lumpur, then about 10 hours Kuala Lumpur - Brisbane, I will let you know how it goes, I haven't done such a long flight since I arrived in the Northern hemisphere.

How does it feel to be going back to Australia? For me, it's ok. My passport is Australian and it feels sort of like I'm going back to square 1. Just to study, and then after that; I'm off again (I am beginning to think diplomat would have been a better career choice, I'm an eternal nomad). The poor boyfriend though is all up in a mess about it; the biggest problems seem to be that he doesn't have a promised job (and as you might remember here, he likes to have direction) and also that he's going so far away for so long. And who can blame him really? It's the first time he's been so far away from everything he knows, for an indetermine amount of time and its causing quite a bit of stress. It's only natural, I'm sure things will improve!

Another worry of course is that, at the moment the town where my family live (and where we are suppsedly going to stay until we find our feet) is in danger of being under water by the time we arrive. North east Australia has endured almost constant heavy rainfall this new year, informing le copain and his family of this has not been fun. Today I looked at the Australian news that Queensland's capital (where I will supposedly be moving to for study) is about to be evacuated, and, my university is virtually under water. Not the best thing to hear as you're packing your bags! I hope everyone there is keeping safe and dry!

As my computer and thus my photos have given up on me today, pictures will have to wait. I will probably not have time to write a blog while I'm in Asia, so you'll have to wait another few weeks to hear from me I suppose. On the brightside, I will hopefully be settled in to my new lifestyle by then, and will be able to get back to posting more informative posts about London. A bientôt !
