Thank you for stumbling upon my blog - it's goal is to tell you all a bit of my experience in London during my 2 year stay. You can read more about the idea here. In this blog I will post some of my experiences, and give my advice, musings and tips for new Londoners in the hope that it will serve as inspiration, or at least, proof it can be done. Please feel free to comment, ask me a question or two, correct my grammar, whatever you please.

Thursday 8 September 2011

A brief Interruption - Because today the news is good!

Hello my lovelies, and apologies for the enormous gap. Realistically I shouldn't actually be writing to you at all at the moment, I am disgustingly busy with uni (calm, calm, I have a small break in two weeks, I will write something for my Live in London series then). But I have news.

Firstly - I am 21 on Sunday. That's exciting. It's actually more exciting than any other birthday I've had. But also precarious. 21. Now even America thinks I'm an adult, I suppose I have some growing up to do. So, over the next year - some resolutions...

  • Learn to drive (I will never own a car, but I am a failure in my family if I don't get these skills).
  • Learn InDesign, the CAD programs and become AMAZING at creating and understanding Manual Drafting (because at the moment it looks like nothingness, and I want this as a career).
  • Travel, everywhere, anywhere.
  • Paradoxically, not quit uni because you're bored or need adventure. One degree, that's all I ask.
  • Take up French.
Secondly - and much more interesting for you! Mon amour has a job! In Brisbane no less. He is an engineer in the city, all grown up, I am so proud and ecstatic he gets to stay. He is even now applying for sponsorship to stay long term. I will keep you all updated.

The (minor) downside of this is that he booked a one way ticket to France and I leased a '1 person only' place the week before we discovered he would stay. So I'm in a minor real estate rut. But, in reality, whatever. I am so happy I don't have to suffer the woes of having a partner on the other side of the world? Does that even work? I'm doubtful.

The other news is that my degree is thrilling but evil. I love and hate every second. The good news is that (so long as I pass!) I will be finished 1st year by November. That's very close. Cross your fingers ;)

Until next, besitos! x